Reviews of Hedvig
We actively seek feedback from our customers to understand their perceptions of our services. This not only helps us identify areas for improvement but also provides transparency in their experience with us.
How we work with reviews
After a claim, all customers are invited to share their feedback through reviews. We do not make a selection based on satisfaction levels or if the customer received compensation or not. They can rate their experience on a scale from 1 (dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied) and may also provide additional comments if they wish.
All reviews for each insurance contribute to its overall average rating, calculated by summing the ratings and dividing by the total number of reviews. Additionally, the ten most recent comments for each rating scale are displayed on our website. Only current or former customers of Hedvig are eligible to leave a review.
4.1 of 5
Shows the average of 8 810 reviews from our customers. Anyone who's had a claim is invited by email to leave a review. Read more